Yes, this is a first. I’ve never been to the Insel Gallery before, despite it being opposite my work. However, due to the shockingly bad exhibition that was on show, I plan on only giving it half a point. Not recommended!
OK, so I’ve been to the Babylon cinema many times, but this was the first time I have gone to see a silent movie accompanied by an organ. The movie was a typical silent melodrama entitled, ‘The Joyless Street’ . It was more dramatic than any soap opera I’ve ever seen! The theatre organ was the original and was played beautifully. It added to the drama of the film and was really enjoyable.
I think I’ll go and see another. 1 Point? This small Thai restaurant is so delicious and close to my new home, that it could keep me from trying out new places to eat. Yummi! 1 Point.
Am neuen See gibt es zur Zeit eine Eisstockschießanlage. It's really fun. A mix of Curling and Pétanque. 1 Point?
Heute waren wir in den Nordischen Botschaften bei der "Hunger nach Bildern"-Ausstellung. Die farbenfrohen, meist abstrakten Bilder erinnern oft an etwas leckeres zu Essen. Das Gebäute ist zweckmäßig und schlicht, in Glas, Beton, Stahl und Holz. 1 Punkt.
Red und ich waren heute im Spreepark, dem alten Vergnügungspark im Plänterwald., der 2001 Konkurs anmelden mußte. die meisten Bereiche sind nicht mehr frei zugänglich, aber Berliner Spreepark bietet Führungen an, bei denen man Teile davon betreten darf. Es ist ein mystischer Ort, alte Dinosaurierfiguren, Karussels und Achterbahnschienen sind verlassen und halb zugewachsen. Das Riesenrad dreht sich langsam durch den Wind und macht dabei ein unheimliches Geräusch. Die Führung war, trotz des kühlen Wetters, gut besucht. Die Infos zur Geschichte des Parks, besonders zu den Ereignissen nach der Schließung, sind kurzweilig und interessant. +++
Da ich den Park schon (von aussen) kannte (mein altern Kiez), ein Punkt? Für Red zwei Punkte, weil alles neu für sie war? Today I met one of my favourite street artists for the first time! I was on a trip with a few students when we stumbled upon her working on a huge piece just off Oberbaumbrücke. She was really chatty and explained to us how she produced the work and where we would find other pieces. The work will be finished by Monday so I plan on going back to see what it turns out like. Also, she said that I have been pronouncing her name wrong! Quite embarrassing! 3 Points?
On Thursday evening I went to see a vernissage of great new Exhibition in Badensche Strasse. The artist was the father of a good friend of mine, and the grandfather of a student in my class. He died last year and only now is his work becoming noticed by collectors. I thought the work was quite amazing, and his life story even more interesting! There was an Article about him. last year, it's quite interesting. 1 Point? Actually my first "New" this year: Moving to Neukölln from Alt-Treptow. I live in the vibrant, multicultural center of Berlin now. Getting the stuff over here was a breeze with the help of my good friends, but now I have to unpack. Moving to a new place - and such a cool one - scores 5 points.
Nach dem Film "La Vie d Adéle" (Blau ist eine warme Farbe) waren meine neue Mitbewohnerin, ihre Begleitung und ich im Suzie Fu, in der Flughafenstraße. Die Bunte Bar ist sehr gemütlich und es gibt leckere Coctails, Pampelmusensaftschorle und Salzstangen. Ein Punkt!